Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fun little things you find...

So, I suppose this has been posted on AUGI or blogs and such, but since I'm back to working on projects it is always fun when you find something "interesting". I never knew (until today) that you can't use the line work tool on objects that are contained in a design option. Of course the simple way to deal with this is to make the design option editable, but its still bit odd to me given that the linework tool is effectively a graphic override in the view you're working in.

Something else that I came across that is rather annoying. When you're drawing Drafting Lines, you can change the type of curve you're drawing, ie straight, arc, tangent arc, etc, but you can't change the style you're using, ie Wide Lines, Thin Lines, etc.... Rather annoying when working, but such is life...

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