Progress in the last week has resulted in the first half of benchwork being stood up! Thanks to Revit I had a detailed cutting plan to work from, and my estimate of material (from a schedule) was spot on for linear feet. If only the carpenter were as good as the computer, one mistake in my manual optimization of cutting led to having to use some scrap pine I had for one last piece... :-(
Still need to add a few more gusset plates for lateral re-enforcement but in general its quite sturdy for being made out of 1x2s! Lorenzo was happy to walk on it like a balance beam (holding hands of course). My plywood triangular gusset plates are courtesy of a Canstruction project a few years ago. Knowing that I would be building a Model RR some day I had the foresight (and spare space in the basement) to save the scraps (of course being the one with the truck I also have all the original pieces after we took down the can sculptures :-) ).
Once the final bracing is in place I'll bolt the new benchwork to the existing module and I'll be ready to start laying out and cutting sub-roadbed. I'm cautiously optimistic that I'll have (limited) running trains by sometime in July, if not summer vacations and conferences will likely put further progress on hold until late summer... :-(.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Four years!!! What happened?
Yep, the last post was in 2013.....
So what did happen; lots of things. Mostly I felt like I ran out of useful topics around Revit and/or the more interesting stuff couldn't be shared for various reasons.
More recently you can read my Design Technology focused thoughts as part of the Design Technology Summit blog posts here.
So what should I do with this blog; well there are other things in my life besides Revit (no way!!!).
Among them I've always had a passion for model railroads, and now that my nearly two year old son seems just as excited (I should add my 6.5 yr old daughter also likes trains, but that rascal.....) I'm diving back in!
So I'm moving forward with designing a model railroad, its a great hobby I might add for lots of people, whether you have a more artistic bent or engineering/electronics/design there is quite literally a little bit of everything!
That all said I'm getting out of my armchair of having read Model Railroader for the past two decades and I'm actually going to do something about it! I've resurrected my old HO scale module and have planned a simple dog-bone track-plan around it.
The last couple of Christmases the kids received some cars and engines from Santa as well as a bunch of Bachman E-Z Track sectional pieces. Since that was a pretty big investment by Santa (and no its not me) I decided that while not my first choice, I might as well use the E-Z track as it would get me to "market" more quickly with not having to laydown roadbed, spike flex track, etc.
Now I wouldn't be a very good Design Technology guy if I didn't use software to do my planning... :-)
So I found what I think so far is a pretty neat little track planning tool that gets the job done SCARM; it even has a train simulator, so you could just live in the virtual world forever. While there are other software packages out there (that have been around since the 90's) I really like this one (did I mention its free?). Admittedly the "Simple" in the name is a bit too true for a BIM junky like me, but it gets the job done, and in the realm of track planning, it is BIM for track planning, as you can print out a parts list!
Of course, I also found a way to work Revit into the mix. I used that to design and plan the benchwork to support my wonderful track-plan. A little hi-jinx with images got the track plan into Revit at scale so that I could make sure things were lining up "close enough". I could also make sure it would fit properly in the basement thanks to having a Revit model of the house!
Of course I also used Revit to create a quick sheet with dimensions and a schedule. Thanks to a handy renumbering tool I could key each instance to the schedule.

With some luck I'll keep the updates coming. Stay on track!
So what did happen; lots of things. Mostly I felt like I ran out of useful topics around Revit and/or the more interesting stuff couldn't be shared for various reasons.
More recently you can read my Design Technology focused thoughts as part of the Design Technology Summit blog posts here.
So what should I do with this blog; well there are other things in my life besides Revit (no way!!!).
Among them I've always had a passion for model railroads, and now that my nearly two year old son seems just as excited (I should add my 6.5 yr old daughter also likes trains, but that rascal.....) I'm diving back in!
So I'm moving forward with designing a model railroad, its a great hobby I might add for lots of people, whether you have a more artistic bent or engineering/electronics/design there is quite literally a little bit of everything!
That all said I'm getting out of my armchair of having read Model Railroader for the past two decades and I'm actually going to do something about it! I've resurrected my old HO scale module and have planned a simple dog-bone track-plan around it.
The last couple of Christmases the kids received some cars and engines from Santa as well as a bunch of Bachman E-Z Track sectional pieces. Since that was a pretty big investment by Santa (and no its not me) I decided that while not my first choice, I might as well use the E-Z track as it would get me to "market" more quickly with not having to laydown roadbed, spike flex track, etc.
Now I wouldn't be a very good Design Technology guy if I didn't use software to do my planning... :-)
So I found what I think so far is a pretty neat little track planning tool that gets the job done SCARM; it even has a train simulator, so you could just live in the virtual world forever. While there are other software packages out there (that have been around since the 90's) I really like this one (did I mention its free?). Admittedly the "Simple" in the name is a bit too true for a BIM junky like me, but it gets the job done, and in the realm of track planning, it is BIM for track planning, as you can print out a parts list!
Of course, I also found a way to work Revit into the mix. I used that to design and plan the benchwork to support my wonderful track-plan. A little hi-jinx with images got the track plan into Revit at scale so that I could make sure things were lining up "close enough". I could also make sure it would fit properly in the basement thanks to having a Revit model of the house!
Of course I also used Revit to create a quick sheet with dimensions and a schedule. Thanks to a handy renumbering tool I could key each instance to the schedule.
The end result? After $100 at the big Orange Store, as of tonight three girders are nailed, glued and drying (ran out of clamps) and the west end of the track plan has been fitted and tested (the beauty of snap track).

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