Monday, October 27, 2008

What has been keeping me busy.....

So, I've recently (6+ months) been busy working on designing a house with my wife. Of course, we're using Revit, though I can't claim that we've done anything revolutionary. Our 2,800 sq ft house is a 60mb file.... I think I've modeled a little too much detail :). Enjoy some of the 2009 renderings.


Gig said...

Very illustrative renderings! I've been looking for a good project to use for training purposes and was just about to get started with designing a small residence but after seeing your design, I was wondering if there was any possibility of looking at your .rvt file? Of course I would change things around so as not to broadcast your design everywhere, and will definitely give you credit for such. My email is:


Robert said...


Sorry I can't. I've used some proprietary families from my firm, that I'm not comfortable releasing into the wild.


Gig said...

Not a problem, I completely understand that situation. Great design though!