Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Wall Schedules

In case you didn't know. Wall schedules are smart when dealing with areas. If you add a window, the reported area for the wall will be reduced. Obvious really, but I don't trust anything until I've run my own tests...
Why do I care? Today I was working with our energy anaylis team, and they needed to know the ratio of opening(s) in our building to our total exterior envelope. Now of course Revit will happily spit out all sorts of numbers, but how do you know they're right? Hence the testing of wall schedule behavior. In the end we have at least three schedules to help us get the numbers to calculate the ratio. A wall schedule (making sure to exclude all walls except the exterior envelope), a curtain wall schedule and a window schedule (from which we're calculating area). With those three numbers we can then determine our ratio(s).

1 comment:

afilipe said...

Robert, i am an architeture student from Boston looking for possible internship possibilites in Pennsylvania. i was wondering if there was anyway that i could get contact info for some firms that you know of that use Revit. My email is filipea@wit.edu.

Thank you so much
Andrew Filipe