Sunday, November 29, 2009

Arrived AU

I'm checked in and hanging out at the 'Bay.

Still tweaking the presentation but pretty much done. 112 responses to the survey, so still not even 50% of possible class attendees, but oh well. The data is interesting, and has helped.

Realized I uploaded the PPT the other night with a bunch of template slides from Autodesk, those have been removed.

See you here! Drop an e-mail or comment if you want, killing time today (Sunday).

Launch your own SlideRocket presentation!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

AU 2009! Project Templates

Its the final run-up to AU2009. I know attendance is going to be down this year, but still looking forward to seeing old friends.

I'm teaching a course on Project Templates this year. I'm really interested in getting feedback from many users. I've had several conversations and calls with folks from around the world about project templates in an attempt to gather as many points of view as possible. But I'm not done!!! Even if you can't make it to AU this year, take the survey now!

Click Here to take survey

Results will be integrated into my presentation materials, which will be posted on the AU site. If you're a subscriber that means you can get the info. It also means that if they decide to record me, you'll be able to watch the whole thing.
Good Autodesk® Revit® Project Templates: Keys to Efficiency

I'm also running an UnConference session all about Project Templates:

What Makes a Good Autodesk® Revit® Project Template